
InfinCE Workplace provides the capability to chat/converse with your contacts.

Chatting through Web

Click on the ‘Conversations’ icon on the right menu to view & continue your previous conversations.


You can search in the ‘People’ icon and click on the required person to initiate a new Chat.


You can type in the message, share documents, add a quick meeting or personal meeting room URL and add emojis during your conversation. 

Chat window

Chat Channels

You can communicate with groups of people in the channel by creating a chat channel.

Chat Channel

To create a new chat channel, click on the Create Channel button. Enter the channel name, add members by clicking on the people, and click the Create button.

Create Chat Channel

You can chat with people, share files using this channel.

Chatting with the channel members

Click on the three dots icon on the right to search the people, remove/add members and leave the channel. 

More Options

Click on the ‘Manage Members’ option to remove the members from the channel or add new  members to the channel. To add new members, click on the ‘Add Members’ option.

Managing channel members

You can search for content within the chat by clicking on the three dots icon and selecting the ‘Search Chat’ option.

Search Chat

Click on the ‘Settings’ option and the ‘Leave Channel’ option to leave the chat channel. Once you have left the channel, you will not receive any more chats from this channel group.

Guest Users

You can communicate with the guest users (you have invited) using the Chat feature. Click on the ‘Guest Users’ option to view the guest users.

Guest Users

Click on the guest user to start a conversation.

Chatting with guest user
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