Organizational Units

Organizational Units are groups consisting of a set of users who work together to accomplish a specific function. In the InfinCE Workplace, creating organizational units and associating users with them is possible. Each organizational unit is associated with three system default roles: Organizational Unit Member, Organizational Unit Admin, and Limited Access Member.

The organizational units created under each organizational unit level through the ‘Organizational Unit Setup’ page will be available under the ‘People’ menu. For instance, if your organization has Departments and Sub Departments, you can create departments (e.g., Finance) and sub-departments (e.g., Payroll, Procurement)  on the ‘Organizational Structure’ page. Then, click on Administration > People > Department to access the ‘Department’ page. In this page, you can view the list of Departments and the list of Roles associated at the Department level.

Viewing the OU

Within the OU page (e.g., Department), the tab with the list of OUs (Sales, Finance, etc.) displays the OU details such as name, number of users associated with the OU, creation details, and the actions that can be performed for the OU. It is possible to edit the OU details, and view the associated users and sub-departments for this OU.

Organizational Units
Organizational Units page

Adding OU

Click on the Add button (e.g., Add Department) to create a new OU.

Adding Organizational Unit

In the ‘Add’ pop-up, enter the name and description of the OU. E.g., Administration, Sales, etc.

Adding OU

Editing the OU details

Click the ‘Edit’ icon against the OU to edit the details. In the ‘Edit’ pop-up, edit the name and description of the OU.

Editing the Organizational Unit

View the OU details

In the OU details page, the users can view the lists of associated users and sub-level OUs of this OU.

Viewing users associated with the OU

Click on the OU name or on the ‘View’ icon against the OU to view the users associated with the OU. The user name, email id, the role the user is associated with, association details, and actions that can be performed for this user. Editing the user’s role and removing the user from the OU can be done here.

Associated Users

Adding users to the OU

Click on the Add User button to add a user to the OU. In the ‘Add User’ pop-up, select a user role, provide user names and click on Submit to provide access to the OU.

Note: To add a user as a member of the organizational unit, Belongs to association should be mapped from the user profile.

Adding User

Editing the user role

Click on the ‘Edit’ icon to edit the user’s role. In the ‘Edit Role’ pop-up, you can delete the user role and add a new role. Click on the ‘Add Role’ button to assign new roles for the user.

Editing the user role

View the user profile

Click on the user name in the ‘Associated Users’ tab to redirect to the user profile page.

Removing the user from OU

To remove a user associated with the OU, click on the ‘Remove’ icon.

Removing User

Associated Sub Level OUs

Adding sub-level OU

In the Associated sub-level OU tab (e.g.,‘Associated Sub Departments’), click the Add button to create a new sub-level OU.

Adding Sub Departments

In the ‘Add’ pop-up, enter the name and description of the sub-level OU. E.g., Housekeeping.

Adding sub-level OU

Note: It is possible to edit the sub-level OU, view the OU and add users to the sub-level OU.

Viewing the Associated Roles of an OU Level

The ‘Associated Roles’ tab within the OU page displays the role name, description, access level, and the number of users associated with this Role. Click on the User count to view the users and associated groups for the role and can also remove the role from the roles list.

Viewing Associated Roles

Click on the ‘View’ icon to view the users and groups associated with this role.

Viewing the associated roles

Delete Associated Role

Click the ‘Remove’ icon against the custom role in the ‘Associated Roles’ tab to remove from this OU level. Remove icon will be displayed only for custom roles.

Removing associated role
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